
Rigor Mortis

Year 2023
Ópera do Castelo / Operafest23

Premiered at the 2023 Edition of Operafest, in Lisbon, Portugal.

Rigor Mortis, with a libretto by A. Baião-Pinto based on "Mortuary house" by Domingos Monteiro. It approaches the grand thematic of human existence haunted by its finitude and the possibility of an existence beyond death, in a sarcastic full of humor story of a man who although after having committed suicide and being declared death, continues in a sort of supra-earthly dimension, to be able to observe life around him. Watching his wife desperate regret and finally he is taken to the morgue, where he spends the night increasingly intrigued, until final revelation. A universal tragedy and a post mortem thriller evoking limits between life and death, both strongly highlighting women condition of guilt atonement and sacrifice.


Musical Direction: Miguel Sepúlveda
Stage Director: David Pereira Bastos
Set design: Patrícia Costa
Costumes: Neusa Trovoada
Light design: Sérgio Moreira

Ensemble mpmp

Artur: Ricardo Rebelo-Silva
Lúcia: Catarina Molder
Nurse : André Henriques
Doctor: Marios Maniatopoulos
Assistant: Rita Filipe

Operafest 23’